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I Was Here

I Was Here

2,874 बार देखा गया

मानव सत्यापन

धन्यवाद, आपका वोट दर्ज किया गया था और जल्द ही दिखाया जाएगा।
वीडियो का विवरण:

Concepted and directed the kick-off spectacle and music video for World Humanitarian Day (WHD) 2012 in collaboration with the United Nations and Beyonce.

The process involved projection-mapping the UN General Assembly Hall by implementing the largest indoor concave projection screen ever created. This surface served as an animated backdrop for a live performance of Beyonce’s “I Was Here,” the adopted anthem of WHD.
A music video shot during the show helped the WHD campaign reach over 1 billion people globally through the combined social reach of celebrities like Michelle Obama, Oprah, Jay-Z, Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, and more.
Created in conjunction with Droga5 and R.S.A.
